Fleet FYIs: A Podcast by Utilimarc
Fleet FYIs is a podcast for fleet professionals by fleet professionals - tackling topics like budget cuts, dips in the market, new product launches, smarter fleet management strategy and so much more. So many people are on the move – now more than ever. Fleet FYIs by Utilimarc helps you on the go or behind the desk, making fleet management a little easier. We're bringing two-decades worth of data insights and expert analysts together in conversation. Join us every week for a new episode on data integration, smart fleet management strategy tips and tricks, insightful analysis and all things in between.
Fleet FYIs: A Podcast by Utilimarc
12 Days of Fleet FYIs: Your People Are Your Most Valuable Asset w/ Erin Gilchrist-Rugg
Season 4
Episode 35
Welcome to the first episode of our annual #12DaysOfFleetFYIs - our annual wrap-up series for the show.
Today, we welcome Erin Gilchrist-Rugg back to the show for the first time since 2020, as we dive into all things sustainability and supply chain.
Find Erin on LinkedIn
Find Gretchen on LinkedIn
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